Little Mr. A is a curious fellow. Whenever we read or watch anything, and I do mean anything, he wants to know why or what or how. But usually it’s why.
If we are reading about bees, he wants to know what's happening, the why of what's happening and the why and how of the why. Once we read that bees eat nectar, and explain what nectar is, he wants to know why they eat nectar ("because that is what they like to eat."), why they like it, etc. If we are looking at a book about painting a wall, he wants to know why the wall is being painted ("because it needs it"), why it needs it ("to protect it"), what to protect it from ("getting ruined by the weather"), why the weather ruins it (wanting to move on "that's just the way it works"), "Nana, why that's the way it works," then why it's being painted that color ("because that is the color they liked"), why they liked it, etc.
When we have scriptures and it is their turn to “read,” the boys repeat the words of their verse after someone reads the verse a few words at a time. Then the adult stops to explain what happened in the verse or what something means.
Yesterday in scripture time 1 Nephi 10:12 was his verse (in case you want to follow along):
Me: Yea, even my father . . .
A: Yea, even my father what just happened? (Honest- not even a pause where you could imagine any punctuation between the two phrases)
Me: Nothing yet . . . . spake much . . . .
A: spake much now what happened?
Me: Nothing, he’s just explaining that his father was talking a lot. . . .concerning . . .
A: concerning what happened now?
Me: He's still just talking. . . . the Gentiles . . .
A: what the Gentiles gonna do?
Me: (Prompting) . . . .the Gentiles . . .
A: the gentiles what they doing?
And so on. Through the ENTIRE verse. Nothing ever really happened in the verse, but he never gave up hope. I could hardly get a word out before he would ask what had happened. It got harder and harder to hide my amusement and I almost lost it when I could tell that J was starting to think it was a little funny. But we made it through the verse. We will finish chapter 10 tonight.
Sometimes he isn't even listening - he just asks why because he needs something to fill the space. It can make for a long, long day...
And yeah, this has made scripture study time a really drawn out affair...
That is SO FUNNY! Whenever I read to him, I try to just push through and ignore because I don't have the patience to answer why each time. You're way better at that than me!
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