Thursday, August 14, 2008

Yellowstone day 4

Yesterday (Tuesday) was a big day. Jonah had fallen asleep the day before at about 4:30 in the afternoon and slept straight through until 7:15 the next morning. Both Jonah and Tommy woke up just in time to get ready for our big hike to Timpanogos Cave.

Tommy and Jonah and Grandma hiked all the way up to the cave and got there just in time to go in with our tour. One great thing about the tour was the ranger. It was Ranger Nancy! She is the ranger that some of us got to know so well when we were training for our hike through the Grand Canyon a few years ago. So Grandma introduced her to the next generation.

On the hike up and back down they saw little animals and had lots of rest stops to eat snacks and lunch. There was a tree that was growing in the shape of a "J" and Tommy decided we should name it the Jonah tree. Everyone decided to they should stop on the way back down to take Jonah's picture by the tree. Jonah fell right before he got to the tree and skinned his knee, so he couldn't smile for his picture, but wanted a picture anyway. Right before they finished the hike, after looking and looking, Tommy finally found a tree that was growing in the shape of a "T" and we took a picture of him in front of the Tommy tree. It was a good hike and both boys did great. They spent the rest of the day playing with their friends.

This morning Tommy and Jonah and Grandma finished the last 3 chapters of The Boxcar Children before they packed up all the boys clothes and things so that they could just play all day without having to stop and get ready to go home. Then they built a fort in the living room.

1 comment:

More Bacon said...

How fun! Those are some tough boys--I've gone on that hike with grandma before--I could barely keep up with her!